Preparing believers for ministry
Dear Disciple and partner in ministry, this is our first session in Discipleship here at BTM. This is an introduction to our Discipleship Process. Discipleship remains part of the Great Commission of the Church.
To simplify and make discipleship effective we created this online discipleship platform. This allows you the ability to be discipled anywhere at any time. We wanted to remove the constraints of time and space. However, still make it personal enough to have a personal Guide.
To assist you in your discipleship process there is also a Face to Face discipleship session, every Tuesday evening at Church (19:00-20:00) to answer any questions you might have. Anything from practical to deep rooted questions can be asked. Therefore, if you are unsure at any stage, just join our Face to Face Discipleship Session on Tuesdays. We are ready to help you.
After this Course you will know
Looking forward to taking your first step in your road to Maturity in Christ.