

Original price was: R335.00.Current price is: R235.00.

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TREE TRUNK will help you understand the Seasons of Growth all believers grow through. This will help you understand the Characteristics that all believers have to develop in. Yes, it reveals the Season you are in, what is expected of you in the season and what God is busy with in that season.


Most believers misunderstand spiritual growth. You might think spiritual growth is when: you sing with more enthusiasm, you break before God in tears, you make a commitment to God, you function in the spiritual gifts, you read through the bible –twice :). Although some of these things can be changed by spiritual growth it is far from growth. Spiritual growth is the development of your character. Changing into the image of Jesus Christ. You might be busy with things that do not affect spiritual growth. You think you are growing, just to discover that there have been no growth. God wants you to grow. He has already set everything in place to allow you to grow. Growth is caused by you, working with God’s growth plan. To be able to cause “real” growth I will have to show you what God is busy with and what you are supposed to do at that time. Knowing what to do and when to do it will excell your spiritual growth.

TREE TRUNK reveals the events, intentions and actions that needs to take place in every season of your life to ensure that your Character will develop to ensure measurable spiritual growth.


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