

Original price was: R400.00.Current price is: R355.00.

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BRANCHES is a book written by Bernard Liebenberg to help Christian Believers discover the purpose of their own lives.


Maturity always leads to becoming a servant. Jesus was so clear about this, in His day to day acts and even in His final commitment to lay down His life. He did not think Himself too wonderful that He would not pay with His life to be ransom for those who needed it. Spiritual growth cannot lead anywhere else but to a place of servant-hood. Discovering that God made you with purpose and that purpose is not for your benefit, but for the benefit of others. Any Believer that has moved from childhood into maturity has realized that serving others are critical. It is God using you for His purpose in a broken Generation. God designed you purposefully to have the influence and impact he has foreseen. Every part of your design was done with intent and foresight. With this book, you will discover 8 areas that are all different parts of your design. Body Gifts, Royalty, appointed Gifts, Natural Ability, Character, History Victory, Excitement and Spiritual Gifts. Together they reveal your design and as you develop each one of these areas you will become a more powerful instrument in the hands of God serving the people He so dearly love. Get ready to step into the life of your purpose, as God intended and get your BRANCHES in order.


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