Detect your ROOTS Questionaire

Created by admin

Growth Model

Growth Model - Detect your ROOTS for beginners

This questionnaire enables any Christian to take a look at the ROOTS they currently have in place in their lives. ROOTS is the Christians disciplines that feeds your spiritual life. Step 1 is to know what disciplines there are and then which have you already started using in your life. Activate all these disciplines and then start growing in them.

Dear Disciple.

We will issue as certificate at the end of the test. It is our desire to be of service you as you grow spiritually.

Be so kind as to provide minimum information to enable us to be of service to you.

In His Service for His own

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Do you discuss your fellow believers short comings or failures or sins with only Presbytery?

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Do you live in meekness as part of the church?

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While attending Church events you spent time encouraging other believers about the goodness of God or one of his other Characteristics

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You have a good relationship with the Elder of your local Church because you submit under his/her leadership

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Do you pray and talk with the Holy Spirit?

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You know the books of the bible in sequence

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You love the members of the Body of Christ Practically by finding their specific needs to pray for and help fill that need.

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You have some scriptures you have memorized that you have learned over time.

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Do you feel that you have a loving relationship with The Son of God - Jesus Christ

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Do you support (by prayer and physical help) your brothers and sisters rather than ignoring them when they offend or hurt you?

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Open Prayer

You pray during the day from time to time in between conversations / meetings / events while doing life

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You are practicing good stewardship over what God has entrusted to you

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You realize that you are part of the Body of Christ and that you play a specific role in the Body of Christ.

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While attending Church you testified about God or His Character you discovered

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You read books that teaches / guides you Spiritually

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You have spent time with an unbeliever/s to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them

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You have watched a documentary of the Bible

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Although I differ from other believers in the Church you keep the bond of peace instead of making it a group discussion of how you differ from them

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You spent some time with your accountability partner discussing your own truths.

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You have spent time with a disciple/s to invite them to attend Church explaining the value of coming together as church.

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You are memorizing scripture verses to know them of heart

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The Music you listen to teaches / guides you Spiritually

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In conversation with an unbeliever/s you acknowledge God

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You can refer to scripture references when you use quotes from the Bible

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You encourage other believers to attend their own church services

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You read books that allows you to grow spiritually

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You realize that you are part of the Body of Christ and that you play a specific role and you are looking for the role you need to fulfill.

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I have an accountability partner that I hold accountable to growth and health in his / her spiritual life.

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Open Prayer

You spend intimate time in prayer with God revealing your fears and worries to God

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You do Topical Bible Study

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While attending church you spend time talking to other believers and learn to know them.

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You have a good relationship with the Elder of your local Church because you evaluate sermons / topics / discussions and apply that to your life

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You have taken time to meditate on a specific scripture/s of the Bible

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You have a good relationship with the Elder of the church because you take the topics they discuss seriously

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During your prayer and Bible reading time you read a complete book of the Bible, not just single verses.

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You have spent time with an unbeliever/s to testified about God or your relationship with God

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You attend church / cell and at these events you talk to believers to learn to know them.

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You have a good relationship with the Elder of your local Church because you question their truths why it differes from yours.

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During Ministry time at service or at connection group you take time to pray for other believers in person

(Mark all the options)

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You use your Bible as a workbook (you make notes in it, underline and make marks of what is important)

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You have spent time with an unbeliever/s explaining the Gospel of Jesus Christ

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The music you listen to encourages you Spiritually

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Open Prayer

You are praying for other people with specific needs on the mind

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You have use the Inductive Bible study method for Bible Study

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Do you feel that you have a loving relationship with the Father God?

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Do you feel that you have a loving relationship with the Father Son and Holy spirit as you can distinguish between them.

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You have been a servant in the body of Christ through finding and filling a need in church instead of telling other people about what you see is wrong.

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Do you feel that you have a loving relationship with The Holy Spirit

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You have spent time with a disciple/s encouraging them to obey God's instructions

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Open Prayer

You pray and remind God about the His Promises

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Do you cover your brothers and Sisters Sins or shortcomings by protecting him or her?

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You read books that is aligned with Biblical truths as supported by your local church

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During Ministry time at service or at connection group you take time to minister to other believers in person

(Mark all the options)

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Do you live in Humility with the church people?

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While attending local gatherings of the church you participate in corporate worship by signing along out loud, believing what you sing.

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You do Promise Bible Study

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You are tithing

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You can find scriptures people refer to (in sermons or discussions) because you know where they are or have a very good idea.

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You spent time with your accountability partner to discuss your spiritual growth.

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Do you specifically talk the the Father God in prayer?

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You realize that you are part of the Body of Christ and serve the Body of Christ where you can.

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You spent time with your accountability partner discussing your specific struggles regarding sin and unrighteousness

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You have spent time with a disciple/s encouraging them into a more intimate relationship with God

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You have music you are listening to daily that breaks the stronghold of the enemi

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While attending local gatherings of the church you participate in corporate worship by singing only what you really believe.

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Do you specifically talk to Jesus Christ in prayer?

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Open Prayer

You spend time in prayer with intimate worship declaring God's Characteristics.

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You have a good relationship with the Elder of your local Church

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You give financially or in other ways through offering

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You have spent time with an unbeliever/s or a disciple/s asking questions to determine what they believe

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While attending local gatherings of the church you participate in corporate worship by expressing your faith out loud

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While attending Church events you gave a testimony about something God has done that you witnessed.

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You are sowing financially or in other ways to good soil

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When taking time to study the bible you read book about the bible and the interpretation of it


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You have spent time with a disciple/s confessing your reliance on God

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I have an accountability partner that I am accountable to.

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You encourage believer (especially from other churches) to serve God and submit to their local Presbytery