Created by admin

Entrusted – Commitment Challenge

Welcome to the Commitment Challenge in our discipleship system. To start the Challenge, you will have to continue with this questionnaire. Click start to continue your journey to spiritual maturity in Christ. The Challenge will be explained in all the detail you will require. Keep in mind that all challenges needs to be completed within a specific time frame to ensure that it has maximum effect. Click start to get going.

We will require a few details to get started.

It is our desire to be of service to you as you grow spiritually.

Be so kind as to provide your Name and Surname with your email address to allow us to provide you with follow up information. Your Cell number are also required to enable us to contact you directly.

The Sponsor is the name of the person in our church that invited you or someone you might feel comfortable with to start your discipleship process.If there is no person like that, simply enter “None” and we will assign one of our Disciple-makers.

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As an Entrusted Member you have made a commitment to Involvement.
The Video will explain the details regarding this commitment.

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As an Entrusted Member you have made a commitment to Growth.
The Video will explain the details regarding this commitment.

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As an Entrusted Member you have made a commitment to health.
The Video will explain the details regarding this commitment.

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As an Entrusted Member you have made a commitment to Balance.
The Video will explain the details regarding this commitment.

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